Using the 4 Cable Method (4CM) with the ML10X
What is the 4CM method?
There are a lot of information on the internet about the 4CM method. Basically, the 4CM method lets you use pedals in front of your amplifier as well as in your amplifier’s FX loop. This allows you place effects before or after the amplifier’s preamp section.
You can find more information here.
How can I use the ML10X in the 4CM?
With the ML10X, you can choose which effects are put in front of the amplifier and which are put into the FX Loop. There are a fews to do this, but we’ll just talk about the most obvious here.
Here are the connections you need to connect your instrument and amplifier:

You can make full use of the Inputs and Outputs (assuming you’re running in mono) to connect your Amplifier (and FX Loop) and Instrument. That way, you will still have the 10 loops available to use.
With this setup, and with your other pedals connected to each loop, you can start programming the ML10X.
In the Simple Mode
example below, we have the Timeline connected to the front of the amplifier, and the Bigsky connected in the FX Loop.

Preset 1
We can then have another preset where we have nothing in front of the amplifier and both the Bigsky and the Timeline in the amplifier

Preset 1
In Advanced Mode
, this is how it will look like: